What Kind of Serum Should You Use?

Serums can be so confusing. Do you use them alone? Are they a moisturizer? Do you apply them at night or during the day? Serums are different than moisturizers. They contain concentrated anti-agers and anti-oxidants and are usually used together with a moisturizer, unless you have very oily skin and don’t need extra moisture. They complement the other skincare products you use and are a real benefit in anti-aging.  Layering your skincare can have major benefits for your skin. It’s never too early to start using a good serum. I always use one and have a few favourites.

There are so many serums available today for all skin types, budgets, and concerns that it’s hard to choose one that’s right for your skin. Sometimes it takes trial and error to find out which ingredients your skin responds to. You should see a glow fairly soon from a good serum, but …